happy businesswoman We’re always thankful for the creativity we get to work around on a daily basis. We have clients who are forward-thinking, inspiring, and filled with ideas. We all know that creative and entrepreneurial minds can work at mach speed sometimes ~ which can be exciting, but also overwhelming and paralyzing to some brilliant thinkers.

We’re glad our clients trust and rely on us to cut through the clutter and bring clarity to situations. Sometimes the ideas are really great, but the timing just isn’t right. Other times the idea is so-so, but with a little work may turn out to be a new product idea, service offering, or revenue stream.

Here are three things to ask yourself when you’re in idea overdrive:

1) Why do I want to do this?
Getting clear on “why” this idea seems like a good one and focusing on the root cause of your interest will help you determine whether it’s something you should invest time in or not. Sometimes ideas are generated out of boredom and end up creating busy work, so determining “why” is critical.

2) Is it the right time for this idea?
This isn’t a matter of whether you feel ready to launch an idea, but more about timing. Sometimes new ideas are generated to pull you away from bigger and better ideas. Seems a bit counter or self-sabotaging, but the mind can be a brilliant and busy thing so it’s important to remember what your vision is and focus your energies in the right direction.

3) Will I commit to seeing this idea through?
In the moment, many ideas seem like good ones, but once you think through your budget, time, and resources, is it still something you’re willing to proceed with? Not all ideas will make you excited, but they may generate revenue or be stepping stones toward other goals. It’s not about whether you’re excited about the idea, but whether you’re willing to commit to seeing it through.

What other questions do you ask to filter through your brilliant ideas? Need someone to filter through the clutter with you? Reach out to us!

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