Beyond Gender is Explored at The 3% Conference 2017

Beyond Gender is Explored at The 3% Conference 2017

The 3% Movement held its annual conference in NYC on Nov. 2 and 3, and we were there to work the press room and cheer on the speakers and accomplishments from the Movement. This year’s theme was, “Beyond Gender” where the 3% Movement put together...
The September Issue ~ Remix Oct Edition

The September Issue ~ Remix Oct Edition

So, about September…which could be tracked in dog years because it has been a long one! Longer than usual that is (and less fun)! Hurricane Irma made its way through the state of Florida and for the first time in 10 years, Tampa Bay Fashion Week was postponed...
Style Lives at IP

Style Lives at IP

This month International Plaza and Bay Street launches its signature styling event, Get Your Style On, featuring professional fashion and wardrobe stylists from the Tampa Bay region, including: Wendi Braswell, Zakia Carter, Alex English, Tasha Ong and Linda Zipkin....
Let’s Give It a 10!

Let’s Give It a 10!

This year kicks off 10 years for the Tampa Bay region’s official Fashion Week! Yep, that’s right ~ started from the bottom, now we’re here…celebrating 10 years! It really has been quite the journey from the wooden runway to beautiful...
Support the Media. Support Your Industry.

Support the Media. Support Your Industry.

By nature I’m unpredictable. Despite my self-awareness, I put myself in situations and circumstances that surprise others and sometimes me, too. It’s my special gift. (That’s a nice way of describing something others may find confusing, right?)...

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