Creative Style & Tech Strategy = Brilliance

Don’t you get excited when great things (people, places, happenings) come together? So do we! Which is why we’re excited about partnering with Startup Weekend Tampa Bay for Startup Weekend Design Edition! Fashion, interior and graphic designers,...

What do you CRAVE?

My colleague and friend, Melody Biringer of The CRAVE Company, is launching a 6-week program called, CRAVE Your Life, Own Your Style. The program takes you on a journey to get laser-focused specific on the things you crave around: connection, adventure, style,...

Out and About…

…best describes this week and its happenings. We head to NYC today (4/28/15) for our colleague/client/friend’s second Style Hunt Events media industry function, this one titled: SHE’s Fit/SHE’s Beautiful. It’s sure to be a hit!...

There is Such Thing as a Smart Question

We can certainly agree with the saying: “there’s no such things as a dumb question.” Now while we can agree with this, we also know that there is such a thing as a smart question, or even better, smarter questions. This past weekend on Feb. 22, 2015,...

Hey Lovelies…

…we’re sending you some Valentine’s goodness ~ a simple little poem to wish you a sweet day!

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