Finding media contact information isn’t all that difficult. The difficult part* can be trying to figure out what to do with their contact information when you’re trying to garner media coverage for your product and/or service. Here are some quick tips if your company is going to engage in media outreach:

1) Know your media contact’s news coverage area/beat. It’s not likely that you would e-mail the sports editor about your beauty products line.

2) Don’t e-mail attachments! Not until requested by the media contact or unless you have an established relationship. An attached press release and images from an unknown e-mail address are likely to end up in the spam folder. (Note: Mean people have been known to send out viruses which can take down servers and shut down our source of news and the latest and greatest. Do NOT send attachments.)

3) Have some personality and be excited about your product when e-mailing your contact. Not creepy, scary excited. Be cool…but excited! If you don’t feel good about your product or service, it’s not likely it’ll make for an exciting story or grab a reporter’s attention. Again, enthusiastic, not scary.

4) Once you’ve sent out the pitch or press release, follow-up. Wait at least 3-4 days before calling or e-mailing again. If you snail mail a press kit, wait at least a week to a week and a half. Editors/reporters are busy and constantly slammed with press releases, news ideas, story tips, etc. Give them time to view what you have sent.

5) Be patient and stay positive! Garnering editorial and press attention can take time. Sometimes your press release about your business may have you on the five o’ clock news that same day, or it may be months before you even receive a call back from a reporter. Editors/reporters have other stories they have lined up, breaking news, etc. so while they may be interested in what you have to say and/or your product, the timing may not be ideal. Don’t take it personal!

Good luck!

*Keeping media contact info up-to-date can be challenging as well because media professionals may switch departments or media outlets (especially in tougher economic climates). Know when to seek the assistance of professionals, like those at White Book Agency, for your PR efforts!

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