Join us this Friday, Nov. 14, 2014 as 83 Degrees Media celebrates 5 years of Tampa Bay’s T.I.D.E. (talent, innovation, diversity and environment)!

As you may know, we’ve had the pleasure of handling event logistics for 83 Degrees Media’s popular “Not Your Average Speakers” series (#83degreesNYAS), and we’ve seen firsthand the impact that this new economy publication has had on Tampa Bay, highlighting some of the region’s best, brightest and most innovative talent and businesses. Under Diane Egner’s superb and passionate leadership (Diane is publisher and editor-in-chief of 83 Degrees), this media outlet has been progressive in showcasing what’s working in Tampa Bay and the people who are a part of its growth and future. Since 2009, 83 Degrees has been focused on all that is cool and noteworthy, and well, we’d say that’s something to celebrate! We hope that you’ll join us, click on the image to RSVP and see you there!

83 Degrees B-Day Party


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