Embrace Your Unbelievable Imagination!

Renewed focus and optimism abound this time of year. I’m all for fresh starts, although I believe in them every day, and if I need to give myself another “new” kick-off, I do! We’re setting our goals and resolutions for the year for ourselves,...

Stay Open to New Ideas

As you’re thinking about your goals for your business and the upcoming New Year, be sure to tap into colleagues, co-workers, friends, etc. for additional support and ideas. If we may be of service or assist you with a blue-skying goals session for your media...

Holiday Frenzy? Plan & Stay Focused!

Hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! The past week was extra busy with Black Friday and Small Business Saturday, and then kicking off this week with Cyber Monday and today’s Giving Tuesday ~ phew! Lots to do, see, shop and spend the past few days!...

Here’s To An Overflow of Gratitude

At White Book Agency, we believe we have reasons daily to be grateful and we strive for a consistent focus on gratitude. We are grateful for our loving family and friends, good health, and opportunities to work with fantastic colleagues, clients and media partners!...

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