Angela Ardolino Debuts on Parents in Action

Today the new “Parents in Action” news segment launches on ABC Action News! Featuring Angela Ardolino, parenting expert and editor-in-chief of Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine, “Parents in Action” will focus on a wide range of parenting topics from...

Pink Night With Angela Ardolino

Angela Ardolino, parenting expert, television personality and publisher of Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine is hosting the all new Pink Night at Restaurant BT in Hyde Park Village,  on Wednesday, July 21, 2010, at 6:30 pm. Pink Night is a business networking event....

Missing in Action

What can we say? We’ve kind of been missing in action this summer, right? At least through the month of July. It’s like White Book Agency is on summer break according to the frequency of blog updates, however, we’re actually plugging away with work!...

Write It Down

We’ve all heard that it’s good to write down our goals, and what better time than now to go through your mid-year checklist. Summer officially starts next week (June 21, 2010 to be exact) and we’re six months in to 2010. It’s a good time to...

Change It Up

After traveling the past few weeks for professional trips, I’ve remembered the value of changing things up. The travel provided a change of environment that was good for me creatively and professionally. Breaking away from your normal routine can give you a fresh...

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